The walk

We believe that God is primarily interested with us being in, "relationship with Him," as opposed to a "religion about Him".  He wants us to walk through life with Him.  

We have developed a tool to help us do that called, The Walk!

The Walk is Discover's video resource that includes archived weekly streams of our Discover services, our Podcast series, and other original content created by the church. The idea, is simply to journey with Christ through the moments of your daily life.  

You can watch (and subscribe to) the Walk on YouTube - click HERE

or, paste the link into your web browser:

Romans Bible Study

In conjunction with our Ancient Instruction for the Modern World message series, we are offering a Bible study on the book of Romans!

(Click on the link to open up the PDF file.)

Romans Complete study.pdf

subscribe to the channel

Once you navigate your browser to the Walk YouTube channel, you will want to "subscribe" so that you will be able to easily access new content every time it's published.  There will be a large button on the right side.  Click that button to subscribe!  THEN, once you've subscribed, click on the bell icon.  That will turn on the function where you will be notified every time new material is posted on The Walk!

To get to The Walk, simply click HERE.

Daily Walk resources

Walking through life with Jesus, is a life long process!  There are basic activities that every follower of Jesus needs to do in order to find themselves in a fully formed relationship with God.  Below you will find 5 key areas to accept or embrace with your life, and resources to help you maintain them.

Take a look at Discover's current opportunities for involvement HERE

  • Accept Jesus as Lord

    The beginning is always the best place to start a Journey!  For those that confess Jesus as Lord, they will find salvation!  

    ~ Hear Billy Graham teach about it (from Above Inspiration) HERE.

    ~ Read about inviting Jesus into your life (from Billy Graham Assoc.) HERE.

  • Grow and Develop Relationship with Jesus

    To develop that relationship, we need to be His disciples.  That's an ancient way of saying we incorporate spiritual disciplines like Prayer, Worship, and Scripture-reading into our lives.

    ~ For a daily prayer, do you P.A.R.T!  (Praise, Admit, Request, Thanksgiving)

    ~ For a Worship video, click HERE

    ~ For a daily Proverbs reading plan, click HERE.

    ~ For a daily devotional in My Utmost For His Highest, click HERE.

    ~ For The Walk message videos and podcasts, click HERE.


    We experience the power of God's power in our lives by identifying just how He has gifted us, and then using those talents and abilities to meet the needs of others.  They do the same thing with us, and together we make each other stronger.  Do you know your Spiritual Gifts?  If not, start with a simple assessment to identify how God has already gifted you.  Then look for every opportunity to use those gifts to serve others!

    ~ For a Spiritual Gifts Assessment, click HERE.


    Living in community with each other is how God intended His followers should live their lives. When we read the description of the first church in the book of Acts' second chapter, we discover an incredibly diverse group of people made up of various ethnicities and economic realities.  Yet they willingly shared life and worshipped together with a realness and authenticity that simply can not happen by just attending a corporate service with a large group of people a couple times a month.  There needs to be more.  There needs to be a commitment to regularly meeting with a smaller group.  Being real and vulnerable with that group.  Sharing life moments and worshipping God together.  This is the purpose of Community Groups - to do life together.


    "How much is enough?"  When we realize all of our talent, all our time, and all our treasure comes from Him and we decide to use it in a way that makes Him proud - we find the answer to "how much is enough".  Look for ways to give some of what God has blessed you, with back to Him!

    ~ Feel led to give back to Discover?  Click HERE