We believe in one God who exists in Trinity. We believe all three persons- Father, Son and Spirit - posses equally the powers of deity and share the same personality traits.
We believe that God, through His sovereign power and masterful artistry, created the world and all of its inhabitants. Through His cleansing grace and wisdom He continually sustains His creation.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son and therefore wholly God. We believe Jesus became a human and possessed a true human nature. He lived a sinless life, obeying the will of God at every opportunity and qualified as a substitute atonement for the sin of all humanity when He died on the cross. We believe He rose from the dead with the same physical body and therefore, redeemed us all.
We believe that humanity has an instinctively self-destructive nature. Because of the price Christ paid though, we can be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the supernatural agent of God, who comes and inhabits the lives of those who desire a personal relationship with God. We believe at the first moment of such a relationship the Spirit is poured out on Believers in a once-and-forever transaction that can never be broken. The Holy Spirit resides within the Christian forever.
We believe the church is the God-inspired instrument for Christian Community to exist. We believe in the autonomy of local churches. We believe the practice of baptism as modeled by Jesus to be appropriate for proclaiming the presence of God in the life of a believer. We believe communion to be the sacrament desired by Christ for His remembrance. We believe the elements of the cup and the bread to be symbolic in nature for the poured-out blood and broken body of Jesus. We practice an open communion of all believers. We believe the Bible to be not only completely inspired by God alone, but to be without error.