We completely understand the notion out there, that churches, "just want my money". (That's because unfortunately, a lot of the time that is totally true with organized religion). That's not the case with Discover though!
At Discover, we intentionally try to be very low-key about asking for money. We have a volunteer Board of Directors who work with our Staff to keep our operational costs as efficient as possible and we try to operate our church with very low "overhead expenses". We try to model as an organization, living within our means.
We do recognize however, that the way we as individuals handle our finances is very much a spiritual experience. We believe wise stewardship is an act of being a mature follower of Christ. We believe God has promised His followers that if we honor Him with our time, talent and treasure, He will joyfully bless us.
For this reason, Discover accepts donations. The church is a 501(c)3 Non Profit corporation and all contributions are tax deductible. If you would like to make a donation to Discover, simply click on the button below and follow the instructions to make a one time or reoccurring gift. And thank you!